[time to sort it all out]

Somewhere for the context and the non-sketchbook (The blue text is usually a link)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Drawing¦There is No Line in Nature

Draw to delineate, express or depict? At most one can only draw a "picture of" the world, never truly this or that.
Drawing is the basis of all art, it is often stated, and I find myself in agreement.
-> Perhaps time for the inner nature, where lines do exsist?

Some looking may just be needed into the origin of our line-makings [is this alll drawing?]
and some line making may be necessary to understand what is not.
-> If there is some second nature to things - a phenomenological one - that cannot be photographed then we must draw it as we understand it but;
Are there lines in that Second Nature?

In relation, it may come out that by drawing a better understanding of oneself and ones true veiw of the world is reached. It might just serve as skill improvement, with nothing so grand as Art falling cleanly out of the movements of our ancients.

But we have always been drawing, so I will endeavour too - really draw, everything, like I haven't in a while.
Perhaps I shall happen to scribble on a wall and understand why I started. 

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