[time to sort it all out]

Somewhere for the context and the non-sketchbook (The blue text is usually a link)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Analog and Archetype?

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
Is there a connection between the supposed ability of those untrained in art to interpret analog, or expressive, drawings and Jung's 'archetypes'?
-> If they can be said to exist
-> Probably variable by culture?

For that matter, do I really believe in the solid left/right brain thing? Probably not
But there probably are different modes of thinking that we employ (Edwards' R-mode)
But which ear you listen with apparently affects aptitude...

Being as global skills are comprised of many things it might not make sense to say 'reading left, drawing right' since surely some of the the base skills involved in each global one could be on either 'side'

There is certainly a similarity between her descriptions of the L-mode (language, left brain) and R-mode (right brain, visual) and Jung's 1 and 2, automatic drawing
-> One can assume she knew of this, but how much did she develop/adapt?
Edwards doesn't seem very spiritual, so there might be a great difference there...

The idea of the brain observing itself is almost mystic in expression, like a lone thing.
Makes me feel a shell. Complex, soft program for expressing the brain
I wonder why we're so long.
It does not seem to need 'us' greatly, given our triple thinking and subconscious decision making
-> That's not true  but it serves my purpose

Perception is about overcoming the brain's editing of out visions - seeing with one's eyes.

Edwards, Betty, 1999, The New Drawing on The Right Side of the Brain. Penguin Putnam
Maggie Hyde and Michael McGuinness 1992, JungFor Beginners, Icon Books Ltd., Cambridge

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